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It’s an exciting time for Studio Culture in the world of architectural education! More schools than ever are asking what both students and educators can do to create an environment that is encouraging and productive for everyone, and rewriting their policies accordingly. The AIAS has pushed to change the name from “Studio Culture” to “Learning & Teaching Culture” to highlight and protect the rights and responsibilities of all involved in the education of an architect or designer. Such a shift is incredibly necessary; the AIAS aims to question and reevaluate the minimum standard of positive culture in architectural education in order to cease the perpetuation of toxic behaviors that create unhealthy habits which affect future professional practice. To that end, the AIAS is undertaking the crafting of a Universal/Model Learning & Teaching Culture Policy.

Your input as a student is critical to creating a Model Learning & Teaching Culture Policy that is beneficial, comprehensive, and innovative! Thank you in advance for your honest participation and for your dedication to architectural education. This survey should not take more than 8 minutes.

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* 1. [Optional] For a chance to win a $75 gift card, please enter your name, email, school, and year level.

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* 2. Do you know what a Studio Culture Policy is, and do you know where to find your school's?

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* 3. Is Studio Culture formally discussed at your school? (i.e. a Town Hall or presentation of the Policy)

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* 4. Do you feel that the Studio Culture Policy at your school portrays a positive lifestyle of learning and teaching?

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* 5. If you do have a Studio Culture Policy at your school, what is the most important topic it covers? 

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* 6. An ideal Learning & Teaching Culture Policy would protect *this* positive aspect of architecture school and would prevent *that* negative aspect of architecture school.

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* 7. How do you think Studio Culture Policies can be successfully enforced?

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* 8. Roughly how many hours a week do you dedicate to studio work?

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* 9. Estimate how many times a week you skip or forget meals due to studio work:

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* 10. What is one thing you wish faculty knew about your experience attending architecture school?

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